Pro Se against the System

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Equal Justice for a Self Represented Civil Litigation the Courts of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? Think again!
Speaking for myself and from my own experience, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts provides little justice for a pro se civil litigant. Nearly every part of the system showed contempt for my actions, my filings, or, in key instances, they were simply ignored. The impediments they place in front of a self represented litigant, in favor of wealthy, well represented corporations, can certainly not be considered Justice.

Before I address the troublesome “justice” I was afforded in this lawsuit, I have to acknowledge that it must be extremely trying for every single employee in the Massachusetts Justice system to deal with an unrepresented litigant, a civil litigant in my case. The system is designed for lawyers by lawyers. But the Fourteenth Amendment is a constitutional requirement that requires the STATE to provide equal justice, not me.

Allow me to detail some of the many barriers and impediments to equal Justice for a self represented Civil Litigant in the state of Massachusetts:
I only state some of those facts I can document.

Florida has 20% more lawyers than Massachusetts, opens 10x as many investigations.

Imagine a lawyer being denied access to something as important as the Docket, the Record - mid case?

I believe this was the part of the Notice the Court said I failed to Appear. They sent the Notice to my long withdrawn attorney, who failed to withdraw from Barnstable when he withdrew for the Appeals Court. When I wrote the Court informing them of this, they wrote back essentially saying it didn't matter.
I received this upon return from NYC clinical trial. I NEVER stepped foot in a court the entire case.
Imagine if a lawyer hadn't been given Notice of Hearing!

Barnstable Docket. Note Item #30,  July/August 2014. Barnstable still sending notice to his former attorney (KML), who had withdrawn prior to the 2012 Appeal.
Also 8/21, Court said “
Plaintiff has chosen to file this motion pro se despite the fact that plainti counsel remain in active status” - Sure, ONLY he could withdraw, HE refused my call to do so!

The Appeals Court judge who wrote this opinion below, about holding pro se litigants responsible for Fraud Upon The Court, was on the 3 member Appellate Panel who ruled in my case on 12/23/13, “After the sale, Cape Cod Times began BundlIng...” Falling for the Planted January 9, 2003 Bundle defense.. When the Client and it’s records PROVE CCT had plotted Bundles in 2002.

The FACT IS,  Holland & Knight lawyers repeatedly, systematically, and knowingly, lied to the Appeals Court about 2002 Bundles.
IN FACT, the same lawyer who swore to Her Honor that Bundles Began in 2003, THEN told the Barnstable Court that Cape Cod Times “disclosed and presented” Bundles to me in 2002!

Massachusetts is NOT abiding by the Fourteenth Amendment, it has denied me equal protection of the laws. Perhaps I can use the First Amendment, my right to free speech, to correct that error?

Lawyers talk often about the stress on client when engaged in extensive litigation. Well NM&F listed a retired Barnstable Superior Court Judge on the team opposing me, I see among the 10 foot high documents my former attorney sent to my home when I had to appeal pro se in 2012. And H&K fought me in Appeals Court with a lawyer who was involved in Facebook Litigation. I was pro se.

This Boston Bar study of self-represented litigants, is extensive. From Clerks to staff, Judges to opposing counsel, the Bar was informed over and over again of the animus held by the system against pro se litigants. I’d suggest it’s the states problem to solve. Except in became my problem in a very big way.

In This Case, Fontaine V Cape Cod Times, so deferential were the Courts to the Affidavits of Lawyers, that the words of a pro se litigant, and even the evidence itself, was simply ignored.

CCT won this suit because it’s lawyers convinced both courts they Could Not be guilty of concealing Bundles during 2002 negotiations, claiming they hadn't even conceived of  “Bundle” advertising, until 70 days after the p&s. On January 9, 2003. Their lawyers briefs and affidavits vouched for Exhibit 19, a January 9, 2003 “Bundle proposal” as evidence of the birth of CCT’s Bundles.

As I pointed out to the Court, the client fully admitted in deposition that CCT had been Marketing these Bundles back to 2000. I placed a 2002 CCT Bundle plan for THIS sale atop my Reply Brief. So as Nutter McClennen & Fish swore to the Barnstable that CCT “conceived” of Bundles on January 9, 2003, Holland & Knight was forced to sell the Appeals Court CCT had “disclosed and presented” Bundles in 2002.

Both courts found CCT “could not” be guilty of hiding bundles in 2002 because Bundles began in 2003. But the Smoking Gun, CCT’s 2002 plan to Bundle to steal my business sits atop my Reply Brief.
The Ad Manager, the Internet Manager, NM&F (CCT sof 52) H&K (disclosed), the Smoking Gun, EACH prove January is FRIVOLOUS.
CCT had Obviously, Admittedly. Plotted Bundles before Jan 9, 2003.

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Another absurd inequity in the Massachusetts “Justice” System:

I have literally spent hours a day for nearly every day I have not been medically sedated, over the past decade, delving on and reconstructing the evidence of these crimes. Thousands of Hours. Many thousand.

Yet had I been able to obtain legal representation, I would have been able to add my legal expenses to any ultimate award I may realize.

But, because I could not afford a lawyer, the hours I have been forced to spend in search of justice are not subject to compensation, By Law.

Perhaps there’s a legal argument to be made that my wife and children should be compensated as an injury, for loss of consortium caused by the tort of this wealthy company and experienced law firms? I hope so.

Having noted the 14th amendment and Massachusetts obligation to provide equal justice, and not just to those who can afford it, Let me point out, this 1998 major study by the Boston Bar, published by the American Bar Association, discussing the state of pro se litigation.

You will find that Massachusetts has done LITTLE to resolve the flaws in the Legal System, that cause LESS than equal justice for pro se Litigants.